Now we get full-on cinematic story modes.

It used to be that we’d just get some profile text, ending text, and a couple of neat images. As video games have advanced, so has the storytelling. DC Universe, Injustice: Gods Among Us, and the wonderful Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks are non-canon). There have been ten fighting games plus upgrades that are part of its canon and a few side games ( Mortal Kombat vs. There’s a reason why the Mortal Kombat story has been told in different forms. Even when they’re literally redoing an earlier story! the Soul Caliburgames and King of Fighters), but Mortal Kombathas been able to hold its own for over 25 years due to embracing its own wacky mythology and finding ways to be fresh.

Sometimes the sequels just retread the same plot over and over (ie. Usually, these lead to fun B-movie plots that can carry a game or two. Who are these characters and why are they fighting? Why are they fighting again? And again? Not just for the characters, but for the world itself. Fatalities are one of the main aspects that set the series apart from other fighters.A fighting game kind of needs to have a storyline for the sake of identity.

The reason you’re playing Mortal Kombat instead of another fighting game is because of the game’s gratuitous gore. In the future, it’s possible that Fatalities will be unlocked using other methods, but opening chests in the Krypt is the only way to unlock Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 11 at launch. Here are all the unlockable Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 11: These chests yield random cosmetic rewards, including Fatalities. Mortal Kombat 11 players can refer to our Krypt guide for more information on how to explore it, but the gist of it is that they use currency earned in-game to open chests. NetherRealm is still working on balancing the Krypt so that the chests are more rewarding for players, but for now it’s safe to say that it may take quite a long time for players to unlock all of the Mortal Kombat 11 Fatalities. There is one way to unlock Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 11, and that is by opening chests in the Krypt. How To Unlock Fatalities In Mortal Kombat 11 Then scroll over to the Finishers tab to see the locked Fatality and how to unlock it. Select the desired member of the Mortal Kombat 11 roster and whatever variation, and then use the right bumper to go to the Kosmetics tab. To check unlocked Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 11, go to Kustomize, and then click on Characters. While Mortal Kombat 11 players can always use the pause menu to check how to do Fatalities, they can also check to see which Fatalities they have unlocked and how to do them through another method.