Also worth noting that in contrast to Big Smoke's missions, which primarily benefit Big Smoke himself and C.R.A.S.H., Ryder's missions have an active positive effect on the Grove Street Families, getting them equipped with better weapons and more high-quality gear. Supported in that post-betrayal, all his lines sound suspiciously like generic lines for him to use in missions.Most likely R* made him a traitor to kill him off because they had no further use for his character. Ryder is almost never mentioned CJ usually just talks about Smoke.

Unlike Big Smoke, Ryder never shows any suspicious behavior prior to the reveal.Ryder wasn't originally planned to be traitor Though the game begins with her death her influence remains throughout CJ holds her belief that one shouldn't be held back by their circumstances, as shown by his constant attempts to better his standingĪnd Kendl understands her dislike of having to resort to criminal behavior to get by