Best is to get the six updater so you always download the needed mods for the server you want to join or for you offline gaming expirience.A.C.E 2 is definately one of the most famous ones, pushing the realism more.PR - Project Reality did release an awesome mod only some weeks ago.

Most mods you will find are for the core game, it is still a military fps/simulation. Currently people are playing more TAKISTAN LIFE instead of CityLife, its basically a similar gameplay with minor adjustements and on a different map.TAKISTAN LIFEThis mod is basically almost the same like CityLife, but with less hardcore restrictions/laws and of course on a different map (Takistan). Its just a different map with some minor gameplay changes.Features. It has a persistant world and the character progress is saved on the server.It seems like that Takistan Life is played a lot more currently than CityLife. Since the current rpg DayZ mod is popular for many gamers who even didnt know about the Arma 2 military simulation game and its possibilities, I thought people should know about that also other big rpg mods were released a while ago.The mods are called: CityLife or Takistan Life and Takistan Life: RevolutionActually these mod offers even deeper rpg gameplay than DayZ currently and is an interesting option, before the release of DayZ a lot of servers were available until some of them changed to DayZ. Mod is for those who always felt lack of neutrality in vanilla. Eddie`s Content Pack contains retextures of vanilla Arma 3 assets. Possibly sooner depending on what the subsection has and the size of it, also real life, energy, factors too.

City Life is a online mass multi-player RPG Mod that utilizes the RE engine created by Bohemia Interactive and takes it one step into the future.