
Age of empires 3 theme
Age of empires 3 theme

OPTIONAL: Destroy the 4 Saracen towers so that your allies can mine their gold.Receive tributes from the Theme of Cappadocia by capturing their Town Center.Receive tributes from the Theme of Pisidia by capturing their Town Center.Receive tributes from the Theme of Galatia by capturing their Town Center.Population limit: 75 (100 in the Definitive Edition).Scenario Instructions Starting Conditions

age of empires 3 theme

If the Turks can somehow turn the splintering factions against the Byzantine army, they may overcome a better-equipped and better-trained enemy. On another, the army's second in command leads a treacherous conspiracy against the commanding general. One day a band of mercenaries deserts the Byzantines. The Byzantine army is wracked by treachery and deceit from within. But an unlikely turn of events has greatly improved the Turks' chances for victory. The Byzantines are the heirs of Rome, and their armored cataphracts and legions of disciplined swordsmen can smash aside the light armored Turkish horse archers - provided they can catch them. Thousands of Seljuk Turks stream across the barrens of Anatolia to converge on the walled city of Manzikert, which was recently recaptured by the Byzantium army.

age of empires 3 theme age of empires 3 theme

Minarets of dust twist upwards as horse hooves strike the fractured earth.

Age of empires 3 theme